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Paragard IUD Breaking Inside the Uterus

'Maggio Law

Countless women have used the Paragard IUD as their method of contraceptive. Unfortunately, several issues have occurred, creating significant harm for those who use them. One of the issues that women have experienced is the IUD breaking inside of the woman’s uterus.

When medical professionals insert the Paragard IUD safely, there’s often nothing to be concerned about. However, most problems occur because of a doctor’s failure to insert the contraceptive correctly or because of a manufacturing defect. Here’s everything you need to know and your rights moving forward.

What Harm Can Arise Because of a Broken IUD?

Several other issues exist involving the Paragard IUD, but one of the most significant issues is a broken contraceptive inside your body. If the Paragard IUD breaks inside your uterus, you may encounter:

  • Perforation
  • Severe infections
  • Scarring
  • Organ damage
  • Significant pain

Unfortunately, the Paragard IUD breaking in your uterus can cause severe trauma and negatively impact your quality of life. If you experience this problem, it’s crucial to speak with a doctor about what you need to recover physically. You may also have legal rights to move forward and hold the negligent party accountable, which is usually the manufacturer of the contraceptive.

What Legal Rights Do You Have?

If you endure problems because of a Paragard IUD, make sure you speak with a lawyer. We’ve filed countless claims against Teva Pharmaceuticals, the manufacturer of the Paragard IUD, and we will help you seek compensation for the losses you experience as a result of your injuries. The compensation you recover may include medical expenses, lost income, emotional trauma, and more.

At 'MAGGIO LAW, we prioritize your rights. Our Jackson Paragard IUD lawyers will give you a voice to take on negligence and pursue compensation when you deserve it most. We don’t back down from large corporations when our clients’ best interests are at stake.

Call our firm at (601) 265-6869 today.

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